Prof. Pomeroy has authored a number of books that serve to disseminate his research as well as his Studio’s design projects. His books have covered the full extremities of land, sea and sky in the form of zero energy landed development, sustainable waterborne communities and the role of skycourts and skygardens in the urban habitat.

Cities of Opportunities
Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation (Routledge 2020)
Culture refers to not only the arts but also other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. It similarly refers to the customs, institutions, and achievements of a social group, a people, or a nation. Innovation refers to the action or process of change, alteration, or revolution; a new method of idea creation or product that may bring about change. It is easy to assume that innovation may be juxtaposed to the preservation of culture and time-tested rituals. Yet as human settlements grew; and as streets and squares evolved through the diverse exchanges of people trading, celebrating, rallying and socially interacting, it should come as little surprise that cities and its places would become, and continue to be, centres of culture and innovation that can be inextricably linked. Culture and Innovation in cities can potentially take on different complexions if viewed through the lens of academics and practitioners drawn from different geographies, disciplines, or fields of expertise when addressing particular urban challenges. It is through this complexity of views that this book seeks to provide a broad perspective on culture and innovation in the context of global cities today; and a rich cornucopia of insights from thought leaders within their respective fields to shape the cities of tomorrow.

POG | Pod Off-Grid
Pod Off Grid: Explorations Into Low Energy Waterborne Communities (ORO Editions, 2016)
Despite the continued risk of widespread flooding through Climate Change, living, working and playing on water continues to be a necessity and a way of life for many. In the context of population increase, rapid urbanisation and technological advancement, architects and urban planners have an opportunity to rethink the city of tomorrow and embrace an element that accounts for 2/3 of the Earth’s surface area with the fundamental question: can water be an alternative means of urbanisation?
Prof. Jason Pomeroy has pushed the boundaries of sustainable design on land through his research into zero-carbon developments and the role of urban greenery in the sky. In this book he explores the ideas behind self-sustaining low / zero energy waterborne communities. Built case studies from around the World, students' works, and his vision for future waterborne communities explore how to address many of the social, spatial, cultural, economic, environmental and technological challenges of tomorrow.

Distil, Design, Disseminate (Dechen House, 2015)
In an age of global markets, social mobility and technological advancement, there also lies the continued threat of disappearing cultures, public space depletion, and climate change. Never has there been such an important time to holistically address these issues in the design of our built environment, and to consider new processes of design in the interest of forging more sustainable habitats.
Pomeroy Studio’s design and research works lie at the intersection of these pressing issues and provide innovative sustainable solutions from the micro-scale of a dwelling to the macro-scale of a city. This book documents Jason’s origins and early works, before considering the Studio’s unique ‘evidence-based interdisciplinary sustainable design process’ through design and research projects both completed and on the drawing board.

The Skycourt and Skygarden
The Skycourt and Skygarden:
Greening the Urban Habitat (Routledge, 2014)
This book considers the skycourt and skygarden as an ‘alternative social space’ that forms part of a broader multi-level urban infrastructure – seeking to replenish the loss of open space within the built environment. Pomeroy begins the discussion with the decline of the public realm, and how the semi-public realm has been incorporated into a spatial hierarchy that supports the primary figurative spaces on the ground or, in their absence, creates them in the sky.
He considers the skycourt and skygarden in terms of their social, cultural, economic, environmental, technological, and spatial benefits that they provide within the urban habitat and references case studies from around the World. He concludes as an advocate for a new hybrid city that can harness the socio-spatial characteristics of the public domain – placed within buildings as alternative communal spaces for the twenty-first century.

Idea House
Idea House: Future Tropical Living Today (ORO Editions, 2011)
The Idea House is a prototypical dwelling that provides an insight into future tropical living. Conceived as a test bed for new sustainable ideas and processes, the house showcases the latest in sustainable architecture and is the first zero carbon residence in South East Asia. It also involved the collaboration of some of the world’s leading solution providers from the fields of architecture, engineering, landscape design, construction and Information Technology.
‘Idea House: Future Tropical Living Today’ documents the process of design required to create a zero carbon development from inception to completion and is recorded in graphic and photographic detail. The book demonstrates the importance of design collaboration in order to deliver a sustainable product in the form of a house that reduced consumption, generated energy, and was respectful of local socio-cultural practices.